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Liebherr introduces Liebherr Oil Analysis, a lubricant monitoring and preventative
maintenance service.
Liebherr Oil Analysis not only provides a continuous picture of lubricant's current condition, but also valuable insight into the health of the equipment itself.
Liebherr Oil Analysis enables Liebherr customers to compare sample results for similar types of equipment, sort sample results to identify any trending patterns and customise reports for the duration of the equipment's life.
Liebherr Oil Analysis results in significant maintenance and cost savings as it gives advanced warning of, and can prevent, catastrophic failure. The program provides you time to rectify or prepare for the impending problem. The cost to benefit ratio in these situations can be dramatic.
Condition Monitoring - Extending vehicle service life
Wear Analysis - Monitors the amount and type of machine wear present
Foreign Matter Detection - Notifies of unwanted fluids such as Water, Coolant and Fuel.
These features mean improved equipment reliability, effectiveness and lifetime.
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